
View Source
import logging
import math
from enum import Enum
from itertools import product
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
from wkw import wkw

from webknossos.geometry import Mag
from webknossos.utils import time_start, time_stop

from .view import View

class SamplingModes:
    AUTO = "auto"
    ISOTROPIC = "isotropic"
    CONSTANT_Z = "constant_z"

class InterpolationModes(Enum):
    MEDIAN = 0
    MODE = 1
    NEAREST = 2
    BILINEAR = 3
    BICUBIC = 4
    MAX = 5
    MIN = 6


Vec3 = Union[Tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray]

def determine_buffer_edge_len(dataset: wkw.Dataset) -> int:
    return min(DEFAULT_EDGE_LEN, dataset.header.file_len * dataset.header.block_len)

def detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(
    scale: Tuple[float, float, float]
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    scale_np = np.array(scale)
    return cast(int, np.argmax(scale_np)), cast(int, np.argmin(scale_np))

def get_next_mag(mag: Mag, scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]) -> Mag:
    if scale is None:
        return mag.scaled_by(2)
        max_index, min_index = detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(scale)
        mag_array = mag.to_array()
        scale_increase = [1, 1, 1]

        if (
            mag_array[min_index] * scale[min_index]
            < mag_array[max_index] * scale[max_index]
            for i in range(len(scale_increase)):
                scale_increase[i] = 1 if scale[i] == scale[max_index] else 2
            scale_increase = [2, 2, 2]
        return Mag(
                mag_array[0] * scale_increase[0],
                mag_array[1] * scale_increase[1],
                mag_array[2] * scale_increase[2],

def get_previous_mag(mag: Mag, scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]) -> Mag:
    if scale is None:
        return mag.divided_by(2)
        max_index, min_index = detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(scale)
        mag_array = mag.to_array()
        scale_increase = [1, 1, 1]

        if (
            mag_array[min_index] // scale[min_index]
            > mag_array[max_index] // scale[max_index]
            for i in range(len(scale_increase)):
                scale_increase[i] = 1 if scale[i] == scale[max_index] else 2
            scale_increase = [2, 2, 2]
        return Mag(
                max(mag_array[0] // scale_increase[0], 1),
                max(mag_array[1] // scale_increase[1], 1),
                max(mag_array[2] // scale_increase[2], 1),

def calculate_virtual_scale_for_target_mag(
    target_mag: Mag,
) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    This scale is not the actual scale of the dataset
    The virtual scale is used for downsample_mags_anisotropic.
    max_target_value = max(list(target_mag.to_array()))
    scale_array = max_target_value / np.array(target_mag.to_array())
    return cast(Tuple[float, float, float], tuple(scale_array))

def calculate_default_max_mag(dataset_size: Vec3) -> Mag:
    # The lowest mag should have a size of ~ 100vx**2 per slice
    max_x_y = max(dataset_size[0], dataset_size[1])
    # highest power of 2 larger (or equal) than max_x_y divided by 100
    # The calculated factor will be used for x, y and z here. If anisotropic downsampling takes place,
    # the dimensions can still be downsampled independently according to the scale.
    return Mag(max(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(max_x_y / 100, 2)), 4))  # at least 4

def parse_interpolation_mode(
    interpolation_mode: str, layer_name: str
) -> InterpolationModes:
    if interpolation_mode.upper() == "DEFAULT":
        return (
            if layer_name == "segmentation"
            else InterpolationModes.MEDIAN
        return InterpolationModes[interpolation_mode.upper()]

def linear_filter_3d(data: np.ndarray, factors: List[int], order: int) -> np.ndarray:
    factors_np = np.array(factors)

    if not np.all(factors_np == factors[0]):
            "the selected filtering strategy does not support anisotropic downsampling. Selecting {} as uniform downsampling factor".format(
    factor = factors[0]

    ds = data.shape
    assert not any((d % factor > 0 for d in ds))
    return zoom(
        1 / factor,
        # 0: nearest
        # 1: bilinear
        # 2: bicubic
        # this does not mean nearest interpolation,
        # it corresponds to how the borders are treated.

def non_linear_filter_3d(
    data: np.ndarray, factors: List[int], func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
) -> np.ndarray:
    ds = data.shape
    assert not any((d % factor > 0 for (d, factor) in zip(ds, factors)))
    data = data.reshape((ds[0], factors[1], ds[1] // factors[1], ds[2]), order="F")
    data = data.swapaxes(0, 1)
    data = data.reshape(
            factors[0] * factors[1],
            ds[0] * ds[1] // (factors[0] * factors[1]),
            ds[2] // factors[2],
    data = data.swapaxes(2, 1)
    data = data.reshape(
            factors[0] * factors[1] * factors[2],
            (ds[0] * ds[1] * ds[2]) // (factors[0] * factors[1] * factors[2]),
    data = func(data)
    data = data.reshape(
        (ds[0] // factors[0], ds[1] // factors[1], ds[2] // factors[2]), order="F"
    return data

def _max(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.max(x, axis=0)

def _min(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.min(x, axis=0)

def _median(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return np.median(x, axis=0).astype(x.dtype)

def _mode(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    Fast mode implementation from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35674754
    # Check inputs
    ndim = x.ndim
    axis = 0
    # Sort array
    sort = np.sort(x, axis=axis)
    # Create array to transpose along the axis and get padding shape
    transpose = np.roll(np.arange(ndim)[::-1], axis)
    shape = list(sort.shape)
    shape[axis] = 1
    # Create a boolean array along strides of unique values
    strides = (
                np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype="bool"),
                np.diff(sort, axis=axis) == 0,
                np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype="bool"),
    # Count the stride lengths
    counts = np.cumsum(strides)
    counts[~strides] = np.concatenate([[0], np.diff(counts[~strides])])
    counts[strides] = 0
    # Get shape of padded counts and slice to return to the original shape
    shape_array = np.array(sort.shape)
    shape_array[axis] += 1
    shape_array = shape_array[transpose]
    slices = [slice(None)] * ndim
    slices[axis] = slice(1, None)
    # Reshape and compute final counts
    counts = counts.reshape(shape_array).transpose(transpose)[tuple(slices)] + 1

    # Find maximum counts and return modals/counts
    slices = [slice(None, i) for i in sort.shape]
    del slices[axis]
    index = np.ogrid[slices]
    index.insert(axis, np.argmax(counts, axis=axis))
    return sort[tuple(index)]

def downsample_unpadded_data(
    buffer: np.ndarray, target_mag: Mag, interpolation_mode: InterpolationModes
) -> np.ndarray:
        f"Downsampling buffer of size {buffer.shape} to mag {target_mag.to_layer_name()}"
    target_mag_np = np.array(target_mag.to_array())
    current_dimension_size = np.array(buffer.shape[1:])
    padding_size_for_downsampling = (
        target_mag_np - (current_dimension_size % target_mag_np) % target_mag_np
    padding_size_for_downsampling = list(zip([0, 0, 0], padding_size_for_downsampling))
    buffer = np.pad(
        buffer, pad_width=[(0, 0)] + padding_size_for_downsampling, mode="constant"
    dimension_decrease = np.array([1] + target_mag.to_array())
    downsampled_buffer_shape = np.array(buffer.shape) // dimension_decrease
    downsampled_buffer = np.empty(dtype=buffer.dtype, shape=downsampled_buffer_shape)
    for channel in range(buffer.shape[0]):
        downsampled_buffer[channel] = downsample_cube(
            buffer[channel], target_mag.to_array(), interpolation_mode
    return downsampled_buffer

def downsample_cube(
    cube_buffer: np.ndarray, factors: List[int], interpolation_mode: InterpolationModes
) -> np.ndarray:
    if interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MODE:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _mode)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MEDIAN:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _median)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.NEAREST:
        return linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, 0)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.BILINEAR:
        return linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, 1)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.BICUBIC:
        return linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, 2)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MAX:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _max)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MIN:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _min)
        raise Exception("Invalid interpolation mode: {}".format(interpolation_mode))

def downsample_cube_job(
    args: Tuple[View, View, int],
    mag_factors: List[int],
    interpolation_mode: InterpolationModes,
    buffer_edge_len: int,
    job_count_per_log: int,
) -> None:
    (source_view, target_view, i) = args
    use_logging = i % job_count_per_log == 0

    if use_logging:
        logging.info(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset}")

        if use_logging:
            time_start(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset}")

        num_channels = target_view.header.num_channels
        shape = (num_channels,) + tuple(target_view.size)
        file_buffer = np.zeros(shape, target_view.get_dtype())

        tiles = product(
                    list(range(0, math.ceil(len)))
                    for len in np.array(target_view.size) / buffer_edge_len


        for tile in tiles:
            target_offset = np.array(tile) * buffer_edge_len
            source_offset = (mag_factors * target_offset).astype(int)
            source_size = cast(
                Tuple[int, int, int],
                        int(min(a, b))
                        for a, b in zip(
                            np.array(mag_factors) * buffer_edge_len,
                            source_view.size - source_offset,

            cube_buffer_channels = source_view.read(source_offset, source_size)

            for channel_index in range(num_channels):
                cube_buffer = cube_buffer_channels[channel_index]

                if not np.all(cube_buffer == 0):
                    # Downsample the buffer
                    data_cube = downsample_cube(

                    buffer_offset = target_offset
                    buffer_end = buffer_offset + data_cube.shape

                        buffer_offset[0] : buffer_end[0],
                        buffer_offset[1] : buffer_end[1],
                        buffer_offset[2] : buffer_end[2],
                    ] = data_cube

        # Write the downsampled buffer to target
        if source_view.header.num_channels == 1:
            file_buffer = file_buffer[0]  # remove channel dimension
        if use_logging:
            time_stop(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset}")

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.error(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset} failed with {exc}")
        raise exc
#   class SamplingModes:
View Source
class SamplingModes:
    AUTO = "auto"
    ISOTROPIC = "isotropic"
    CONSTANT_Z = "constant_z"
#   SamplingModes()
#   AUTO = 'auto'
#   ISOTROPIC = 'isotropic'
#   CONSTANT_Z = 'constant_z'
#   class InterpolationModes(enum.Enum):
View Source
class InterpolationModes(Enum):
    MEDIAN = 0
    MODE = 1
    NEAREST = 2
    BILINEAR = 3
    BICUBIC = 4
    MAX = 5
    MIN = 6

An enumeration.

Inherited Members
#   def determine_buffer_edge_len(dataset: wkw.wkw.Dataset) -> int:
View Source
def determine_buffer_edge_len(dataset: wkw.Dataset) -> int:
    return min(DEFAULT_EDGE_LEN, dataset.header.file_len * dataset.header.block_len)
#   def detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(scale: Tuple[float, float, float]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
View Source
def detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(
    scale: Tuple[float, float, float]
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    scale_np = np.array(scale)
    return cast(int, np.argmax(scale_np)), cast(int, np.argmin(scale_np))
#   def get_next_mag( mag: webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag, scale: Union[Tuple[float, float, float], NoneType] ) -> webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag:
View Source
def get_next_mag(mag: Mag, scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]) -> Mag:
    if scale is None:
        return mag.scaled_by(2)
        max_index, min_index = detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(scale)
        mag_array = mag.to_array()
        scale_increase = [1, 1, 1]

        if (
            mag_array[min_index] * scale[min_index]
            < mag_array[max_index] * scale[max_index]
            for i in range(len(scale_increase)):
                scale_increase[i] = 1 if scale[i] == scale[max_index] else 2
            scale_increase = [2, 2, 2]
        return Mag(
                mag_array[0] * scale_increase[0],
                mag_array[1] * scale_increase[1],
                mag_array[2] * scale_increase[2],
#   def get_previous_mag( mag: webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag, scale: Union[Tuple[float, float, float], NoneType] ) -> webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag:
View Source
def get_previous_mag(mag: Mag, scale: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]) -> Mag:
    if scale is None:
        return mag.divided_by(2)
        max_index, min_index = detect_larger_and_smaller_dimension(scale)
        mag_array = mag.to_array()
        scale_increase = [1, 1, 1]

        if (
            mag_array[min_index] // scale[min_index]
            > mag_array[max_index] // scale[max_index]
            for i in range(len(scale_increase)):
                scale_increase[i] = 1 if scale[i] == scale[max_index] else 2
            scale_increase = [2, 2, 2]
        return Mag(
                max(mag_array[0] // scale_increase[0], 1),
                max(mag_array[1] // scale_increase[1], 1),
                max(mag_array[2] // scale_increase[2], 1),
#   def calculate_virtual_scale_for_target_mag( target_mag: webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
View Source
def calculate_virtual_scale_for_target_mag(
    target_mag: Mag,
) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    This scale is not the actual scale of the dataset
    The virtual scale is used for downsample_mags_anisotropic.
    max_target_value = max(list(target_mag.to_array()))
    scale_array = max_target_value / np.array(target_mag.to_array())
    return cast(Tuple[float, float, float], tuple(scale_array))

This scale is not the actual scale of the dataset The virtual scale is used for downsample_mags_anisotropic.

#   def calculate_default_max_mag( dataset_size: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], numpy.ndarray] ) -> webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag:
View Source
def calculate_default_max_mag(dataset_size: Vec3) -> Mag:
    # The lowest mag should have a size of ~ 100vx**2 per slice
    max_x_y = max(dataset_size[0], dataset_size[1])
    # highest power of 2 larger (or equal) than max_x_y divided by 100
    # The calculated factor will be used for x, y and z here. If anisotropic downsampling takes place,
    # the dimensions can still be downsampled independently according to the scale.
    return Mag(max(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(max_x_y / 100, 2)), 4))  # at least 4
#   def parse_interpolation_mode( interpolation_mode: str, layer_name: str ) -> webknossos.dataset.downsampling_utils.InterpolationModes:
View Source
def parse_interpolation_mode(
    interpolation_mode: str, layer_name: str
) -> InterpolationModes:
    if interpolation_mode.upper() == "DEFAULT":
        return (
            if layer_name == "segmentation"
            else InterpolationModes.MEDIAN
        return InterpolationModes[interpolation_mode.upper()]
#   def linear_filter_3d(data: numpy.ndarray, factors: List[int], order: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
View Source
def linear_filter_3d(data: np.ndarray, factors: List[int], order: int) -> np.ndarray:
    factors_np = np.array(factors)

    if not np.all(factors_np == factors[0]):
            "the selected filtering strategy does not support anisotropic downsampling. Selecting {} as uniform downsampling factor".format(
    factor = factors[0]

    ds = data.shape
    assert not any((d % factor > 0 for d in ds))
    return zoom(
        1 / factor,
        # 0: nearest
        # 1: bilinear
        # 2: bicubic
        # this does not mean nearest interpolation,
        # it corresponds to how the borders are treated.
#   def non_linear_filter_3d( data: numpy.ndarray, factors: List[int], func: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray] ) -> numpy.ndarray:
View Source
def non_linear_filter_3d(
    data: np.ndarray, factors: List[int], func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
) -> np.ndarray:
    ds = data.shape
    assert not any((d % factor > 0 for (d, factor) in zip(ds, factors)))
    data = data.reshape((ds[0], factors[1], ds[1] // factors[1], ds[2]), order="F")
    data = data.swapaxes(0, 1)
    data = data.reshape(
            factors[0] * factors[1],
            ds[0] * ds[1] // (factors[0] * factors[1]),
            ds[2] // factors[2],
    data = data.swapaxes(2, 1)
    data = data.reshape(
            factors[0] * factors[1] * factors[2],
            (ds[0] * ds[1] * ds[2]) // (factors[0] * factors[1] * factors[2]),
    data = func(data)
    data = data.reshape(
        (ds[0] // factors[0], ds[1] // factors[1], ds[2] // factors[2]), order="F"
    return data
#   def downsample_unpadded_data( buffer: numpy.ndarray, target_mag: webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag, interpolation_mode: webknossos.dataset.downsampling_utils.InterpolationModes ) -> numpy.ndarray:
View Source
def downsample_unpadded_data(
    buffer: np.ndarray, target_mag: Mag, interpolation_mode: InterpolationModes
) -> np.ndarray:
        f"Downsampling buffer of size {buffer.shape} to mag {target_mag.to_layer_name()}"
    target_mag_np = np.array(target_mag.to_array())
    current_dimension_size = np.array(buffer.shape[1:])
    padding_size_for_downsampling = (
        target_mag_np - (current_dimension_size % target_mag_np) % target_mag_np
    padding_size_for_downsampling = list(zip([0, 0, 0], padding_size_for_downsampling))
    buffer = np.pad(
        buffer, pad_width=[(0, 0)] + padding_size_for_downsampling, mode="constant"
    dimension_decrease = np.array([1] + target_mag.to_array())
    downsampled_buffer_shape = np.array(buffer.shape) // dimension_decrease
    downsampled_buffer = np.empty(dtype=buffer.dtype, shape=downsampled_buffer_shape)
    for channel in range(buffer.shape[0]):
        downsampled_buffer[channel] = downsample_cube(
            buffer[channel], target_mag.to_array(), interpolation_mode
    return downsampled_buffer
#   def downsample_cube( cube_buffer: numpy.ndarray, factors: List[int], interpolation_mode: webknossos.dataset.downsampling_utils.InterpolationModes ) -> numpy.ndarray:
View Source
def downsample_cube(
    cube_buffer: np.ndarray, factors: List[int], interpolation_mode: InterpolationModes
) -> np.ndarray:
    if interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MODE:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _mode)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MEDIAN:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _median)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.NEAREST:
        return linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, 0)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.BILINEAR:
        return linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, 1)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.BICUBIC:
        return linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, 2)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MAX:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _max)
    elif interpolation_mode == InterpolationModes.MIN:
        return non_linear_filter_3d(cube_buffer, factors, _min)
        raise Exception("Invalid interpolation mode: {}".format(interpolation_mode))
#   def downsample_cube_job( args: Tuple[webknossos.dataset.view.View, webknossos.dataset.view.View, int], mag_factors: List[int], interpolation_mode: webknossos.dataset.downsampling_utils.InterpolationModes, buffer_edge_len: int, job_count_per_log: int ) -> None:
View Source
def downsample_cube_job(
    args: Tuple[View, View, int],
    mag_factors: List[int],
    interpolation_mode: InterpolationModes,
    buffer_edge_len: int,
    job_count_per_log: int,
) -> None:
    (source_view, target_view, i) = args
    use_logging = i % job_count_per_log == 0

    if use_logging:
        logging.info(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset}")

        if use_logging:
            time_start(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset}")

        num_channels = target_view.header.num_channels
        shape = (num_channels,) + tuple(target_view.size)
        file_buffer = np.zeros(shape, target_view.get_dtype())

        tiles = product(
                    list(range(0, math.ceil(len)))
                    for len in np.array(target_view.size) / buffer_edge_len


        for tile in tiles:
            target_offset = np.array(tile) * buffer_edge_len
            source_offset = (mag_factors * target_offset).astype(int)
            source_size = cast(
                Tuple[int, int, int],
                        int(min(a, b))
                        for a, b in zip(
                            np.array(mag_factors) * buffer_edge_len,
                            source_view.size - source_offset,

            cube_buffer_channels = source_view.read(source_offset, source_size)

            for channel_index in range(num_channels):
                cube_buffer = cube_buffer_channels[channel_index]

                if not np.all(cube_buffer == 0):
                    # Downsample the buffer
                    data_cube = downsample_cube(

                    buffer_offset = target_offset
                    buffer_end = buffer_offset + data_cube.shape

                        buffer_offset[0] : buffer_end[0],
                        buffer_offset[1] : buffer_end[1],
                        buffer_offset[2] : buffer_end[2],
                    ] = data_cube

        # Write the downsampled buffer to target
        if source_view.header.num_channels == 1:
            file_buffer = file_buffer[0]  # remove channel dimension
        if use_logging:
            time_stop(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset}")

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.error(f"Downsampling of {target_view.global_offset} failed with {exc}")
        raise exc