
View Source
import math
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast

import cluster_tools
import numpy as np
from cluster_tools.schedulers.cluster_executor import ClusterExecutor
from wkw import Dataset, wkw

from webknossos.geometry import BoundingBox
from webknossos.utils import wait_and_ensure_success

Vec3 = Union[Tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray]

class View:
    A `View` is essentially a bounding box to a region of a specific `wkw.Dataset` that also provides functionality.
    Read- and write-operations are restricted to the bounding box.
    `View`s are designed to be easily passed around as parameters.
    A `View`, in its most basic form, does not have a reference to the `webknossos.dataset.dataset.Dataset`.

    def __init__(
        path_to_mag_view: Path,
        header: wkw.Header,
        size: Tuple[int, int, int],
        global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0),
        is_bounded: bool = True,
        read_only: bool = False,
        mag_view_bbox_at_creation: Optional[BoundingBox] = None,
        Do not use this constructor manually. Instead use `webknossos.dataset.mag_view.MagView.get_view()` to get a `View`.
        self._dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None
        self._path = path_to_mag_view
        self._header: wkw.Header = header
        self._size: Tuple[int, int, int] = size
        self._global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = global_offset
        self._is_bounded = is_bounded
        self._read_only = read_only
        self._is_opened = False
        # The bounding box of the view is used to prevent warnings when writing compressed but unaligned data
        # directly at the borders of the bounding box.
        # A View is unable to get this information from the Dataset because it is detached from it.
        # Adding the bounding box as parameter is a workaround for this.
        # However, keep in mind that this bounding box is just a snapshot.
        # This bounding box is not updated if the bounding box of the dataset is updated.
        # Even though an outdated bounding box can lead to missed (or unwanted) warnings,
        # this is sufficient for our use case because such scenarios are unlikely and not critical.
        # This should not be misused to infer the size of the dataset because this might lead to problems.
        self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation = mag_view_bbox_at_creation

    def header(self) -> wkw.Header:
        return self._header

    def size(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        return self._size

    def global_offset(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        return self._global_offset

    def read_only(self) -> bool:
        return self._read_only

    def open(self) -> "View":
        Opens the actual handles to the data on disk.
        A `MagDataset` has to be opened before it can be read or written to. However, the user does not
        have to open it explicitly because the API automatically opens it when it is needed.
        The user can choose to open it explicitly to avoid that handles are opened and closed automatically
        each time data is read or written.
        if self._is_opened:
            raise Exception("Cannot open view: the view is already opened")
            self._dataset = Dataset.open(
            )  # No need to pass the header to the wkw.Dataset
            self._is_opened = True
        return self

    def close(self) -> None:
        Complementary to `open`, this closes the handles to the data.

        See `open` for more information.
        if not self._is_opened:
            raise Exception("Cannot close View: the view is not opened")
            assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened
            self._dataset = None
            self._is_opened = False

    def write(
        data: np.ndarray,
        offset: Vec3 = (0, 0, 0),
    ) -> None:
        Writes the `data` at the specified `offset` to disk.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.

        Note that writing compressed data which is not aligned with the blocks on disk may result in
        diminished performance, as full blocks will automatically be read to pad the write actions.
        assert not self.read_only, "Cannot write data to an read_only View"

        was_opened = self._is_opened
        # assert the size of the parameter data is not in conflict with the attribute self.size
        data_dims = cast(Tuple[int, int, int], data.shape[-3:])
        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, data_dims)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, data_dims)

        if len(data.shape) == 4 and data.shape[0] == 1:
            data = data[0]  # remove channel dimension

        # calculate the absolute offset
        absolute_offset = cast(
            Tuple[int, int, int],
            tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(self.global_offset, offset)),

        if self._is_compressed():
            absolute_offset, data = self._handle_compressed_write(absolute_offset, data)

        if not was_opened:
        assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened

        self._dataset.write(absolute_offset, data)

        if not was_opened:

    def read(
        offset: Vec3 = (0, 0, 0),
        size: Vec3 = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        The user can specify the `offset` and the `size` of the requested data.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.
        If no `size` is specified, the size of the view is used.
        If the specified bounding box exceeds the data on disk, the rest is padded with `0`.

        Returns the specified data as a `np.array`.

        import numpy as np

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

        assert np.array_equal(
            view.read(offset=(0, 0, 0), size=(100, 200, 300)),

        # works because the specified data is completely in the bounding box of the view
        some_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

        # fails because the specified data is not completely in the bounding box of the view
        more_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

        size = self.size if size is None else size

        # assert the parameter size is not in conflict with the attribute self.size
        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, size)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, size)

        # calculate the absolute offset
        absolute_offset = tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(self.global_offset, offset))

        return self._read_without_checks(
            cast(Tuple[int, int, int], absolute_offset), size

    def read_bbox(self, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        The user can specify the `bounding_box` of the requested data.
        See `read()` for more details.
        if bounding_box is None:
            return self.read()
            return self.read(bounding_box.topleft, bounding_box.size)

    def _read_without_checks(
        absolute_offset: Vec3,
        size: Vec3,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        was_opened = self._is_opened
        if not was_opened:
        assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened

        data = self._dataset.read(absolute_offset, size)

        if not was_opened:

        return data

    def get_view(
        offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
        size: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
    ) -> "View":
        Returns a view that is limited to the specified bounding box.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.
        If no `size` is specified, the size of the view is used.

        The `offset` and `size` may only exceed the bounding box of the current view, if `read_only` is set to `True`.

        If `read_only` is `True`, write operations are not allowed for the returned sub-view.

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

        # works because the specified sub-view is completely in the bounding box of the view
        sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

        # fails because the specified sub-view is not completely in the bounding box of the view
        invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

        # works because `read_only=True`
        invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230), read_only=True)
        if read_only is None:
            read_only = self.read_only
        assert (
            read_only or read_only == self.read_only
        ), "Failed to get subview. The calling view is read_only. Therefore, the subview also has to be read_only."

        if offset is None:
            offset = (0, 0, 0)

        if size is None:
            size = self.size

        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, size)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, size, not read_only)
        view_offset = cast(
            Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(self.global_offset + np.array(offset))
        return View(

    def _assert_bounds(
        offset: Vec3,
        size: Vec3,
        strict: bool = None,
    ) -> None:
        if strict is None:
            strict = self._is_bounded
        if strict and not BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), self.size).contains_bbox(
            BoundingBox(offset, size)
            raise AssertionError(
                f"Accessing data out of bounds: The passed parameter 'size' {size} exceeds the size of the current view ({self.size})"

    def for_each_chunk(
        work_on_chunk: Callable[[Tuple["View", int]], None],
        chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int],
        executor: Union[ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor],
    ) -> None:
        The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size `chunk_size`.
        Then, `work_on_chunk` is performed on each sub-view.
        Besides the view, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk',
        which can be used for logging. Additional parameter for 'work_on_chunk' can be specified.
        The computation of each chunk has to be independent of each other.
        Therefore, the work can be parallelized with `executor`.

        If the `View` is of type `MagView`, only the bounding box from the properties is chunked.

        from webknossos.utils import get_executor_for_args, named_partial

        def some_work(args: Tuple[View, int], some_parameter: int) -> None:
            view_of_single_chunk, i = args
            # perform operations on the view

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view()
        with get_executor_for_args(None) as executor:
            func = named_partial(advanced_chunk_job, some_parameter=42)
                chunk_size=(100, 100, 100),  # Use mag1._get_file_dimensions() if the size of the chunks should match the size of the files on disk

        # This "view" object assures that the operation cannot exceed the bounding box of the properties.
        # `View.get_view()` returns a `View` of the same size as the current object (because of the default parameters).
        # `MagView.get_view()` returns a `View` with the bounding box from the properties.
        view = self.get_view()

        job_args = []

        for i, chunk in enumerate(
            BoundingBox(view.global_offset, view.size).chunk(
                chunk_size, list(chunk_size)
            relative_offset = cast(
                Tuple[int, int, int],
                tuple(np.array(chunk.topleft) - np.array(view.global_offset)),
            chunk_view = view.get_view(
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(chunk.size)),
            job_args.append((chunk_view, i))

        # execute the work for each chunk
        wait_and_ensure_success(executor.map_to_futures(work_on_chunk, job_args))

    def for_zipped_chunks(
        work_on_chunk: Callable[[Tuple["View", "View", int]], None],
        target_view: "View",
        source_chunk_size: Vec3,
        target_chunk_size: Vec3,
        executor: Union[ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor],
    ) -> None:
        This method is similar to 'for_each_chunk' in the sense, that it delegates work to smaller chunks.
        However, this method also takes another view as a parameter. Both views are chunked simultaneously
        and a matching pair of chunks is then passed to the function that shall be executed.
        This is useful if data from one view should be (transformed and) written to a different view,
        assuming that the transformation of the data can be handled on chunk-level.
        Additionally to the two views, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk',
        which can be used for logging.
        The mapping of chunks from the source view to the target is bijective.
        The ratio between the size of the source_view (self) and the source_chunk_size must be equal to
        the ratio between the target_view and the target_chunk_size. This guarantees that the number of chunks
        in the source_view is equal to the number of chunks in the target_view.

        Example use case: downsampling:
        - size of source_view (Mag 1): (16384, 16384, 16384)
        - size of target_view (Mag 2): (8192, 8192, 8192)
        - source_chunk_size: (2048, 2048, 2048)
        - target_chunk_size: (1024, 1024, 1024) // this must be a multiple of the file size on disk to avoid concurrent writes


        source_view = self.get_view()
        target_view = target_view.get_view()

        source_offset = np.array(source_view.global_offset)
        target_offset = np.array(target_view.global_offset)
        source_chunk_size_np = np.array(source_chunk_size)
        target_chunk_size_np = np.array(target_chunk_size)

        assert np.all(
        ), "Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the size of the source view contains a 0."
        assert np.all(
        ), "Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the size of the target view contains a 0."
        assert np.array_equal(
            np.array(source_view.size) / np.array(target_view.size),
            source_chunk_size_np / target_chunk_size_np,
        ), f"Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the ratio of the view sizes (source size = {source_view.size}, target size = {target_view.size}) must be equal to the ratio of the chunk sizes (source_chunk_size = {source_chunk_size}, source_chunk_size = {target_chunk_size}))"

        assert not any(
            % (target_view.header.file_len * target_view.header.block_len)
        ), f"Calling for_zipped_chunks failed. The target_chunk_size ({target_chunk_size}) must be a multiple of file_len*block_len of the target view ({target_view.header.file_len * target_view.header.block_len})"

        job_args = []
        source_chunks = BoundingBox(source_offset, source_view.size).chunk(
            source_chunk_size_np, list(source_chunk_size_np)
        target_chunks = BoundingBox(target_offset, target_view.size).chunk(
            target_chunk_size, list(target_chunk_size)

        for i, (source_chunk, target_chunk) in enumerate(
            zip(source_chunks, target_chunks)
            # source chunk
            relative_source_offset = np.array(source_chunk.topleft) - source_offset
            source_chunk_view = source_view.get_view(
                offset=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(relative_source_offset)),
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(source_chunk.size)),
            # target chunk
            relative_target_offset = np.array(target_chunk.topleft) - target_offset
            target_chunk_view = target_view.get_view(
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(target_chunk.size)),
                offset=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(relative_target_offset)),

            job_args.append((source_chunk_view, target_chunk_view, i))

        # execute the work for each pair of chunks
        wait_and_ensure_success(executor.map_to_futures(work_on_chunk, job_args))

    def _is_compressed(self) -> bool:
        return (
            self.header.block_type == wkw.Header.BLOCK_TYPE_LZ4
            or self.header.block_type == wkw.Header.BLOCK_TYPE_LZ4HC

    def _handle_compressed_write(
        self, absolute_offset: Tuple[int, int, int], data: np.ndarray
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray]:
        # calculate aligned bounding box
        file_bb = np.full(3, self.header.file_len * self.header.block_len)
        absolute_offset_np = np.array(absolute_offset)
        margin_to_top_left = absolute_offset_np % file_bb
        aligned_offset = absolute_offset_np - margin_to_top_left
        bottom_right = absolute_offset_np + np.array(data.shape[-3:])
        margin_to_bottom_right = (file_bb - (bottom_right % file_bb)) % file_bb
        is_bottom_right_aligned = bottom_right + margin_to_bottom_right
        aligned_shape = is_bottom_right_aligned - aligned_offset

        if (
            tuple(aligned_offset) != absolute_offset
            or tuple(aligned_shape) != data.shape[-3:]
            mag_view_bbox_at_creation = self._mag_view_bounding_box_at_creation

            # Calculate in which dimensions the data is aligned and in which dimensions it matches the bbox of the mag.
            is_top_left_aligned = aligned_offset == np.array(absolute_offset)
            is_bottom_right_aligned = is_bottom_right_aligned == bottom_right
            is_at_border_top_left = np.array(
            ) == np.array(absolute_offset)
            is_at_border_bottom_right = (
                np.array(mag_view_bbox_at_creation.bottomright) == bottom_right

            if not (
                np.all(np.logical_or(is_top_left_aligned, is_at_border_top_left))
                and np.all(
                    np.logical_or(is_bottom_right_aligned, is_at_border_bottom_right)
                # the data is not aligned
                # read the aligned bounding box

                # We want to read the data at the absolute offset.
                # The absolute offset might be outside of the current view.
                # That is the case if the data is compressed but the view does not include the whole file on disk.
                # In this case we avoid checking the bounds because the aligned_offset and aligned_shape are calculated internally.
                    "Warning: write() was called on a compressed mag without block alignment. Performance will be degraded as the data has to be padded first.",
            aligned_data = self._read_without_checks(aligned_offset, aligned_shape)

            index_slice = (
                slice(None, None),
                    slice(start, end)
                    for start, end in zip(
                        margin_to_top_left, bottom_right - aligned_offset
            # overwrite the specified data
            aligned_data[tuple(index_slice)] = data
            return cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(aligned_offset)), aligned_data
            return absolute_offset, data

    def get_dtype(self) -> type:
        Returns the dtype per channel of the data. For example `uint8`.
        return self.header.voxel_type

    def __enter__(self) -> "View":
        return self

    def __exit__(
        _type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        _value: Optional[BaseException],
        _tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> None:

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return repr(
            "View(%s, global_offset=%s, size=%s)"
            % (self._path, self.global_offset, self.size)

    def _mag_view_bounding_box_at_creation(self) -> BoundingBox:
        assert self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation is not None
        return self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation

def _assert_positive_dimensions(offset: Vec3, size: Vec3) -> None:
    if any(x < 0 for x in offset):
        raise AssertionError(
            f"The offset ({offset}) contains a negative value. All dimensions must be larger or equal to '0'."
    if any(x <= 0 for x in size):
        raise AssertionError(
            f"The size ({size}) contains a negative value (or zeros). All dimensions must be strictly larger than '0'."

def _check_chunk_size(chunk_size: Vec3) -> None:
    assert chunk_size is not None

    if 0 in chunk_size:
        raise AssertionError(
            f"The passed parameter 'chunk_size' {chunk_size} contains at least one 0. This is not allowed."
    if not np.all(
        np.array([math.log2(size).is_integer() for size in np.array(chunk_size)])
        raise AssertionError(
            f"Each element of the passed parameter 'chunk_size' {chunk_size} must be a power of 2.."
    if (np.array(chunk_size) % (32, 32, 32)).any():
        raise AssertionError(
            f"The passed parameter 'chunk_size' {chunk_size} must be a multiple of (32, 32, 32)."
#   class View:
View Source
class View:
    A `View` is essentially a bounding box to a region of a specific `wkw.Dataset` that also provides functionality.
    Read- and write-operations are restricted to the bounding box.
    `View`s are designed to be easily passed around as parameters.
    A `View`, in its most basic form, does not have a reference to the `webknossos.dataset.dataset.Dataset`.

    def __init__(
        path_to_mag_view: Path,
        header: wkw.Header,
        size: Tuple[int, int, int],
        global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0),
        is_bounded: bool = True,
        read_only: bool = False,
        mag_view_bbox_at_creation: Optional[BoundingBox] = None,
        Do not use this constructor manually. Instead use `webknossos.dataset.mag_view.MagView.get_view()` to get a `View`.
        self._dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None
        self._path = path_to_mag_view
        self._header: wkw.Header = header
        self._size: Tuple[int, int, int] = size
        self._global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = global_offset
        self._is_bounded = is_bounded
        self._read_only = read_only
        self._is_opened = False
        # The bounding box of the view is used to prevent warnings when writing compressed but unaligned data
        # directly at the borders of the bounding box.
        # A View is unable to get this information from the Dataset because it is detached from it.
        # Adding the bounding box as parameter is a workaround for this.
        # However, keep in mind that this bounding box is just a snapshot.
        # This bounding box is not updated if the bounding box of the dataset is updated.
        # Even though an outdated bounding box can lead to missed (or unwanted) warnings,
        # this is sufficient for our use case because such scenarios are unlikely and not critical.
        # This should not be misused to infer the size of the dataset because this might lead to problems.
        self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation = mag_view_bbox_at_creation

    def header(self) -> wkw.Header:
        return self._header

    def size(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        return self._size

    def global_offset(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        return self._global_offset

    def read_only(self) -> bool:
        return self._read_only

    def open(self) -> "View":
        Opens the actual handles to the data on disk.
        A `MagDataset` has to be opened before it can be read or written to. However, the user does not
        have to open it explicitly because the API automatically opens it when it is needed.
        The user can choose to open it explicitly to avoid that handles are opened and closed automatically
        each time data is read or written.
        if self._is_opened:
            raise Exception("Cannot open view: the view is already opened")
            self._dataset = Dataset.open(
            )  # No need to pass the header to the wkw.Dataset
            self._is_opened = True
        return self

    def close(self) -> None:
        Complementary to `open`, this closes the handles to the data.

        See `open` for more information.
        if not self._is_opened:
            raise Exception("Cannot close View: the view is not opened")
            assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened
            self._dataset = None
            self._is_opened = False

    def write(
        data: np.ndarray,
        offset: Vec3 = (0, 0, 0),
    ) -> None:
        Writes the `data` at the specified `offset` to disk.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.

        Note that writing compressed data which is not aligned with the blocks on disk may result in
        diminished performance, as full blocks will automatically be read to pad the write actions.
        assert not self.read_only, "Cannot write data to an read_only View"

        was_opened = self._is_opened
        # assert the size of the parameter data is not in conflict with the attribute self.size
        data_dims = cast(Tuple[int, int, int], data.shape[-3:])
        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, data_dims)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, data_dims)

        if len(data.shape) == 4 and data.shape[0] == 1:
            data = data[0]  # remove channel dimension

        # calculate the absolute offset
        absolute_offset = cast(
            Tuple[int, int, int],
            tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(self.global_offset, offset)),

        if self._is_compressed():
            absolute_offset, data = self._handle_compressed_write(absolute_offset, data)

        if not was_opened:
        assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened

        self._dataset.write(absolute_offset, data)

        if not was_opened:

    def read(
        offset: Vec3 = (0, 0, 0),
        size: Vec3 = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        The user can specify the `offset` and the `size` of the requested data.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.
        If no `size` is specified, the size of the view is used.
        If the specified bounding box exceeds the data on disk, the rest is padded with `0`.

        Returns the specified data as a `np.array`.

        import numpy as np

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

        assert np.array_equal(
            view.read(offset=(0, 0, 0), size=(100, 200, 300)),

        # works because the specified data is completely in the bounding box of the view
        some_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

        # fails because the specified data is not completely in the bounding box of the view
        more_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

        size = self.size if size is None else size

        # assert the parameter size is not in conflict with the attribute self.size
        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, size)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, size)

        # calculate the absolute offset
        absolute_offset = tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(self.global_offset, offset))

        return self._read_without_checks(
            cast(Tuple[int, int, int], absolute_offset), size

    def read_bbox(self, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        The user can specify the `bounding_box` of the requested data.
        See `read()` for more details.
        if bounding_box is None:
            return self.read()
            return self.read(bounding_box.topleft, bounding_box.size)

    def _read_without_checks(
        absolute_offset: Vec3,
        size: Vec3,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        was_opened = self._is_opened
        if not was_opened:
        assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened

        data = self._dataset.read(absolute_offset, size)

        if not was_opened:

        return data

    def get_view(
        offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
        size: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
    ) -> "View":
        Returns a view that is limited to the specified bounding box.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.
        If no `size` is specified, the size of the view is used.

        The `offset` and `size` may only exceed the bounding box of the current view, if `read_only` is set to `True`.

        If `read_only` is `True`, write operations are not allowed for the returned sub-view.

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

        # works because the specified sub-view is completely in the bounding box of the view
        sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

        # fails because the specified sub-view is not completely in the bounding box of the view
        invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

        # works because `read_only=True`
        invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230), read_only=True)
        if read_only is None:
            read_only = self.read_only
        assert (
            read_only or read_only == self.read_only
        ), "Failed to get subview. The calling view is read_only. Therefore, the subview also has to be read_only."

        if offset is None:
            offset = (0, 0, 0)

        if size is None:
            size = self.size

        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, size)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, size, not read_only)
        view_offset = cast(
            Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(self.global_offset + np.array(offset))
        return View(

    def _assert_bounds(
        offset: Vec3,
        size: Vec3,
        strict: bool = None,
    ) -> None:
        if strict is None:
            strict = self._is_bounded
        if strict and not BoundingBox((0, 0, 0), self.size).contains_bbox(
            BoundingBox(offset, size)
            raise AssertionError(
                f"Accessing data out of bounds: The passed parameter 'size' {size} exceeds the size of the current view ({self.size})"

    def for_each_chunk(
        work_on_chunk: Callable[[Tuple["View", int]], None],
        chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int],
        executor: Union[ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor],
    ) -> None:
        The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size `chunk_size`.
        Then, `work_on_chunk` is performed on each sub-view.
        Besides the view, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk',
        which can be used for logging. Additional parameter for 'work_on_chunk' can be specified.
        The computation of each chunk has to be independent of each other.
        Therefore, the work can be parallelized with `executor`.

        If the `View` is of type `MagView`, only the bounding box from the properties is chunked.

        from webknossos.utils import get_executor_for_args, named_partial

        def some_work(args: Tuple[View, int], some_parameter: int) -> None:
            view_of_single_chunk, i = args
            # perform operations on the view

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view()
        with get_executor_for_args(None) as executor:
            func = named_partial(advanced_chunk_job, some_parameter=42)
                chunk_size=(100, 100, 100),  # Use mag1._get_file_dimensions() if the size of the chunks should match the size of the files on disk

        # This "view" object assures that the operation cannot exceed the bounding box of the properties.
        # `View.get_view()` returns a `View` of the same size as the current object (because of the default parameters).
        # `MagView.get_view()` returns a `View` with the bounding box from the properties.
        view = self.get_view()

        job_args = []

        for i, chunk in enumerate(
            BoundingBox(view.global_offset, view.size).chunk(
                chunk_size, list(chunk_size)
            relative_offset = cast(
                Tuple[int, int, int],
                tuple(np.array(chunk.topleft) - np.array(view.global_offset)),
            chunk_view = view.get_view(
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(chunk.size)),
            job_args.append((chunk_view, i))

        # execute the work for each chunk
        wait_and_ensure_success(executor.map_to_futures(work_on_chunk, job_args))

    def for_zipped_chunks(
        work_on_chunk: Callable[[Tuple["View", "View", int]], None],
        target_view: "View",
        source_chunk_size: Vec3,
        target_chunk_size: Vec3,
        executor: Union[ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor],
    ) -> None:
        This method is similar to 'for_each_chunk' in the sense, that it delegates work to smaller chunks.
        However, this method also takes another view as a parameter. Both views are chunked simultaneously
        and a matching pair of chunks is then passed to the function that shall be executed.
        This is useful if data from one view should be (transformed and) written to a different view,
        assuming that the transformation of the data can be handled on chunk-level.
        Additionally to the two views, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk',
        which can be used for logging.
        The mapping of chunks from the source view to the target is bijective.
        The ratio between the size of the source_view (self) and the source_chunk_size must be equal to
        the ratio between the target_view and the target_chunk_size. This guarantees that the number of chunks
        in the source_view is equal to the number of chunks in the target_view.

        Example use case: downsampling:
        - size of source_view (Mag 1): (16384, 16384, 16384)
        - size of target_view (Mag 2): (8192, 8192, 8192)
        - source_chunk_size: (2048, 2048, 2048)
        - target_chunk_size: (1024, 1024, 1024) // this must be a multiple of the file size on disk to avoid concurrent writes


        source_view = self.get_view()
        target_view = target_view.get_view()

        source_offset = np.array(source_view.global_offset)
        target_offset = np.array(target_view.global_offset)
        source_chunk_size_np = np.array(source_chunk_size)
        target_chunk_size_np = np.array(target_chunk_size)

        assert np.all(
        ), "Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the size of the source view contains a 0."
        assert np.all(
        ), "Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the size of the target view contains a 0."
        assert np.array_equal(
            np.array(source_view.size) / np.array(target_view.size),
            source_chunk_size_np / target_chunk_size_np,
        ), f"Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the ratio of the view sizes (source size = {source_view.size}, target size = {target_view.size}) must be equal to the ratio of the chunk sizes (source_chunk_size = {source_chunk_size}, source_chunk_size = {target_chunk_size}))"

        assert not any(
            % (target_view.header.file_len * target_view.header.block_len)
        ), f"Calling for_zipped_chunks failed. The target_chunk_size ({target_chunk_size}) must be a multiple of file_len*block_len of the target view ({target_view.header.file_len * target_view.header.block_len})"

        job_args = []
        source_chunks = BoundingBox(source_offset, source_view.size).chunk(
            source_chunk_size_np, list(source_chunk_size_np)
        target_chunks = BoundingBox(target_offset, target_view.size).chunk(
            target_chunk_size, list(target_chunk_size)

        for i, (source_chunk, target_chunk) in enumerate(
            zip(source_chunks, target_chunks)
            # source chunk
            relative_source_offset = np.array(source_chunk.topleft) - source_offset
            source_chunk_view = source_view.get_view(
                offset=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(relative_source_offset)),
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(source_chunk.size)),
            # target chunk
            relative_target_offset = np.array(target_chunk.topleft) - target_offset
            target_chunk_view = target_view.get_view(
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(target_chunk.size)),
                offset=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(relative_target_offset)),

            job_args.append((source_chunk_view, target_chunk_view, i))

        # execute the work for each pair of chunks
        wait_and_ensure_success(executor.map_to_futures(work_on_chunk, job_args))

    def _is_compressed(self) -> bool:
        return (
            self.header.block_type == wkw.Header.BLOCK_TYPE_LZ4
            or self.header.block_type == wkw.Header.BLOCK_TYPE_LZ4HC

    def _handle_compressed_write(
        self, absolute_offset: Tuple[int, int, int], data: np.ndarray
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray]:
        # calculate aligned bounding box
        file_bb = np.full(3, self.header.file_len * self.header.block_len)
        absolute_offset_np = np.array(absolute_offset)
        margin_to_top_left = absolute_offset_np % file_bb
        aligned_offset = absolute_offset_np - margin_to_top_left
        bottom_right = absolute_offset_np + np.array(data.shape[-3:])
        margin_to_bottom_right = (file_bb - (bottom_right % file_bb)) % file_bb
        is_bottom_right_aligned = bottom_right + margin_to_bottom_right
        aligned_shape = is_bottom_right_aligned - aligned_offset

        if (
            tuple(aligned_offset) != absolute_offset
            or tuple(aligned_shape) != data.shape[-3:]
            mag_view_bbox_at_creation = self._mag_view_bounding_box_at_creation

            # Calculate in which dimensions the data is aligned and in which dimensions it matches the bbox of the mag.
            is_top_left_aligned = aligned_offset == np.array(absolute_offset)
            is_bottom_right_aligned = is_bottom_right_aligned == bottom_right
            is_at_border_top_left = np.array(
            ) == np.array(absolute_offset)
            is_at_border_bottom_right = (
                np.array(mag_view_bbox_at_creation.bottomright) == bottom_right

            if not (
                np.all(np.logical_or(is_top_left_aligned, is_at_border_top_left))
                and np.all(
                    np.logical_or(is_bottom_right_aligned, is_at_border_bottom_right)
                # the data is not aligned
                # read the aligned bounding box

                # We want to read the data at the absolute offset.
                # The absolute offset might be outside of the current view.
                # That is the case if the data is compressed but the view does not include the whole file on disk.
                # In this case we avoid checking the bounds because the aligned_offset and aligned_shape are calculated internally.
                    "Warning: write() was called on a compressed mag without block alignment. Performance will be degraded as the data has to be padded first.",
            aligned_data = self._read_without_checks(aligned_offset, aligned_shape)

            index_slice = (
                slice(None, None),
                    slice(start, end)
                    for start, end in zip(
                        margin_to_top_left, bottom_right - aligned_offset
            # overwrite the specified data
            aligned_data[tuple(index_slice)] = data
            return cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(aligned_offset)), aligned_data
            return absolute_offset, data

    def get_dtype(self) -> type:
        Returns the dtype per channel of the data. For example `uint8`.
        return self.header.voxel_type

    def __enter__(self) -> "View":
        return self

    def __exit__(
        _type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        _value: Optional[BaseException],
        _tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> None:

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return repr(
            "View(%s, global_offset=%s, size=%s)"
            % (self._path, self.global_offset, self.size)

    def _mag_view_bounding_box_at_creation(self) -> BoundingBox:
        assert self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation is not None
        return self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation

A View is essentially a bounding box to a region of a specific wkw.Dataset that also provides functionality. Read- and write-operations are restricted to the bounding box. Views are designed to be easily passed around as parameters. A View, in its most basic form, does not have a reference to the webknossos.dataset.dataset.Dataset.

#   View( path_to_mag_view: pathlib.Path, header: wkw.wkw.Header, size: Tuple[int, int, int], global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), is_bounded: bool = True, read_only: bool = False, mag_view_bbox_at_creation: Union[webknossos.geometry.bounding_box.BoundingBox, NoneType] = None )
View Source
    def __init__(
        path_to_mag_view: Path,
        header: wkw.Header,
        size: Tuple[int, int, int],
        global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0),
        is_bounded: bool = True,
        read_only: bool = False,
        mag_view_bbox_at_creation: Optional[BoundingBox] = None,
        Do not use this constructor manually. Instead use `webknossos.dataset.mag_view.MagView.get_view()` to get a `View`.
        self._dataset: Optional[Dataset] = None
        self._path = path_to_mag_view
        self._header: wkw.Header = header
        self._size: Tuple[int, int, int] = size
        self._global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = global_offset
        self._is_bounded = is_bounded
        self._read_only = read_only
        self._is_opened = False
        # The bounding box of the view is used to prevent warnings when writing compressed but unaligned data
        # directly at the borders of the bounding box.
        # A View is unable to get this information from the Dataset because it is detached from it.
        # Adding the bounding box as parameter is a workaround for this.
        # However, keep in mind that this bounding box is just a snapshot.
        # This bounding box is not updated if the bounding box of the dataset is updated.
        # Even though an outdated bounding box can lead to missed (or unwanted) warnings,
        # this is sufficient for our use case because such scenarios are unlikely and not critical.
        # This should not be misused to infer the size of the dataset because this might lead to problems.
        self._mag_view_bbox_at_creation = mag_view_bbox_at_creation

Do not use this constructor manually. Instead use webknossos.dataset.mag_view.MagView.get_view() to get a View.

#   header: wkw.wkw.Header
#   size: Tuple[int, int, int]
#   global_offset: Tuple[int, int, int]
#   read_only: bool
View Source
    def open(self) -> "View":
        Opens the actual handles to the data on disk.
        A `MagDataset` has to be opened before it can be read or written to. However, the user does not
        have to open it explicitly because the API automatically opens it when it is needed.
        The user can choose to open it explicitly to avoid that handles are opened and closed automatically
        each time data is read or written.
        if self._is_opened:
            raise Exception("Cannot open view: the view is already opened")
            self._dataset = Dataset.open(
            )  # No need to pass the header to the wkw.Dataset
            self._is_opened = True
        return self

Opens the actual handles to the data on disk. A MagDataset has to be opened before it can be read or written to. However, the user does not have to open it explicitly because the API automatically opens it when it is needed. The user can choose to open it explicitly to avoid that handles are opened and closed automatically each time data is read or written.

#   def close(self) -> None:
View Source
    def close(self) -> None:
        Complementary to `open`, this closes the handles to the data.

        See `open` for more information.
        if not self._is_opened:
            raise Exception("Cannot close View: the view is not opened")
            assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened
            self._dataset = None
            self._is_opened = False

Complementary to open, this closes the handles to the data.

See open for more information.

#   def write( self, data: numpy.ndarray, offset: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], numpy.ndarray] = (0, 0, 0) ) -> None:
View Source
    def write(
        data: np.ndarray,
        offset: Vec3 = (0, 0, 0),
    ) -> None:
        Writes the `data` at the specified `offset` to disk.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.

        Note that writing compressed data which is not aligned with the blocks on disk may result in
        diminished performance, as full blocks will automatically be read to pad the write actions.
        assert not self.read_only, "Cannot write data to an read_only View"

        was_opened = self._is_opened
        # assert the size of the parameter data is not in conflict with the attribute self.size
        data_dims = cast(Tuple[int, int, int], data.shape[-3:])
        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, data_dims)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, data_dims)

        if len(data.shape) == 4 and data.shape[0] == 1:
            data = data[0]  # remove channel dimension

        # calculate the absolute offset
        absolute_offset = cast(
            Tuple[int, int, int],
            tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(self.global_offset, offset)),

        if self._is_compressed():
            absolute_offset, data = self._handle_compressed_write(absolute_offset, data)

        if not was_opened:
        assert self._dataset is not None  # because the View was opened

        self._dataset.write(absolute_offset, data)

        if not was_opened:

Writes the data at the specified offset to disk. The offset is relative to global_offset.

Note that writing compressed data which is not aligned with the blocks on disk may result in diminished performance, as full blocks will automatically be read to pad the write actions.

#   def read( self, offset: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], numpy.ndarray] = (0, 0, 0), size: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], numpy.ndarray] = None ) -> numpy.ndarray:
View Source
    def read(
        offset: Vec3 = (0, 0, 0),
        size: Vec3 = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        The user can specify the `offset` and the `size` of the requested data.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.
        If no `size` is specified, the size of the view is used.
        If the specified bounding box exceeds the data on disk, the rest is padded with `0`.

        Returns the specified data as a `np.array`.

        import numpy as np

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

        assert np.array_equal(
            view.read(offset=(0, 0, 0), size=(100, 200, 300)),

        # works because the specified data is completely in the bounding box of the view
        some_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

        # fails because the specified data is not completely in the bounding box of the view
        more_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

        size = self.size if size is None else size

        # assert the parameter size is not in conflict with the attribute self.size
        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, size)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, size)

        # calculate the absolute offset
        absolute_offset = tuple(sum(x) for x in zip(self.global_offset, offset))

        return self._read_without_checks(
            cast(Tuple[int, int, int], absolute_offset), size

The user can specify the offset and the size of the requested data. The offset is relative to global_offset. If no size is specified, the size of the view is used. If the specified bounding box exceeds the data on disk, the rest is padded with 0.

Returns the specified data as a np.array.


import numpy as np

# ...
# let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

assert np.array_equal(
    view.read(offset=(0, 0, 0), size=(100, 200, 300)),

# works because the specified data is completely in the bounding box of the view
some_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

# fails because the specified data is not completely in the bounding box of the view
more_data = view.read(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))
#   def read_bbox( self, bounding_box: Union[webknossos.geometry.bounding_box.BoundingBox, NoneType] = None ) -> numpy.ndarray:
View Source
    def read_bbox(self, bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> np.ndarray:
        The user can specify the `bounding_box` of the requested data.
        See `read()` for more details.
        if bounding_box is None:
            return self.read()
            return self.read(bounding_box.topleft, bounding_box.size)

The user can specify the bounding_box of the requested data. See read() for more details.

#   def get_view( self, offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = None, size: Tuple[int, int, int] = None, read_only: bool = None ) -> webknossos.dataset.view.View:
View Source
    def get_view(
        offset: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
        size: Tuple[int, int, int] = None,
        read_only: bool = None,
    ) -> "View":
        Returns a view that is limited to the specified bounding box.
        The `offset` is relative to `global_offset`.
        If no `size` is specified, the size of the view is used.

        The `offset` and `size` may only exceed the bounding box of the current view, if `read_only` is set to `True`.

        If `read_only` is `True`, write operations are not allowed for the returned sub-view.

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

        # works because the specified sub-view is completely in the bounding box of the view
        sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

        # fails because the specified sub-view is not completely in the bounding box of the view
        invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

        # works because `read_only=True`
        invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230), read_only=True)
        if read_only is None:
            read_only = self.read_only
        assert (
            read_only or read_only == self.read_only
        ), "Failed to get subview. The calling view is read_only. Therefore, the subview also has to be read_only."

        if offset is None:
            offset = (0, 0, 0)

        if size is None:
            size = self.size

        _assert_positive_dimensions(offset, size)
        self._assert_bounds(offset, size, not read_only)
        view_offset = cast(
            Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(self.global_offset + np.array(offset))
        return View(

Returns a view that is limited to the specified bounding box. The offset is relative to global_offset. If no size is specified, the size of the view is used.

The offset and size may only exceed the bounding box of the current view, if read_only is set to True.

If read_only is True, write operations are not allowed for the returned sub-view.


# ...
# let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
view = mag1.get_view(offset(10, 20, 30), size=(100, 200, 300))

# works because the specified sub-view is completely in the bounding box of the view
sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(10, 120, 230))

# fails because the specified sub-view is not completely in the bounding box of the view
invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230))

# works because `read_only=True`
invalid_sub_view = view.get_view(offset=(50, 60, 70), size=(999, 120, 230), read_only=True)
#   def for_each_chunk( self, work_on_chunk: collections.abc.Callable[tuple[webknossos.dataset.view.View, int], NoneType], chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int], executor: Union[cluster_tools.schedulers.cluster_executor.ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor] ) -> None:
View Source
    def for_each_chunk(
        work_on_chunk: Callable[[Tuple["View", int]], None],
        chunk_size: Tuple[int, int, int],
        executor: Union[ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor],
    ) -> None:
        The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size `chunk_size`.
        Then, `work_on_chunk` is performed on each sub-view.
        Besides the view, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk',
        which can be used for logging. Additional parameter for 'work_on_chunk' can be specified.
        The computation of each chunk has to be independent of each other.
        Therefore, the work can be parallelized with `executor`.

        If the `View` is of type `MagView`, only the bounding box from the properties is chunked.

        from webknossos.utils import get_executor_for_args, named_partial

        def some_work(args: Tuple[View, int], some_parameter: int) -> None:
            view_of_single_chunk, i = args
            # perform operations on the view

        # ...
        # let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
        view = mag1.get_view()
        with get_executor_for_args(None) as executor:
            func = named_partial(advanced_chunk_job, some_parameter=42)
                chunk_size=(100, 100, 100),  # Use mag1._get_file_dimensions() if the size of the chunks should match the size of the files on disk

        # This "view" object assures that the operation cannot exceed the bounding box of the properties.
        # `View.get_view()` returns a `View` of the same size as the current object (because of the default parameters).
        # `MagView.get_view()` returns a `View` with the bounding box from the properties.
        view = self.get_view()

        job_args = []

        for i, chunk in enumerate(
            BoundingBox(view.global_offset, view.size).chunk(
                chunk_size, list(chunk_size)
            relative_offset = cast(
                Tuple[int, int, int],
                tuple(np.array(chunk.topleft) - np.array(view.global_offset)),
            chunk_view = view.get_view(
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(chunk.size)),
            job_args.append((chunk_view, i))

        # execute the work for each chunk
        wait_and_ensure_success(executor.map_to_futures(work_on_chunk, job_args))

The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size chunk_size. Then, work_on_chunk is performed on each sub-view. Besides the view, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk', which can be used for logging. Additional parameter for 'work_on_chunk' can be specified. The computation of each chunk has to be independent of each other. Therefore, the work can be parallelized with executor.

If the View is of type MagView, only the bounding box from the properties is chunked.


from webknossos.utils import get_executor_for_args, named_partial

def some_work(args: Tuple[View, int], some_parameter: int) -> None:
    view_of_single_chunk, i = args
    # perform operations on the view

# ...
# let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
view = mag1.get_view()
with get_executor_for_args(None) as executor:
    func = named_partial(advanced_chunk_job, some_parameter=42)
        chunk_size=(100, 100, 100),  # Use mag1._get_file_dimensions() if the size of the chunks should match the size of the files on disk
#   def for_zipped_chunks( self, work_on_chunk: collections.abc.Callable[tuple[webknossos.dataset.view.View, webknossos.dataset.view.View, int], NoneType], target_view: webknossos.dataset.view.View, source_chunk_size: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], numpy.ndarray], target_chunk_size: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], numpy.ndarray], executor: Union[cluster_tools.schedulers.cluster_executor.ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor] ) -> None:
View Source
    def for_zipped_chunks(
        work_on_chunk: Callable[[Tuple["View", "View", int]], None],
        target_view: "View",
        source_chunk_size: Vec3,
        target_chunk_size: Vec3,
        executor: Union[ClusterExecutor, cluster_tools.WrappedProcessPoolExecutor],
    ) -> None:
        This method is similar to 'for_each_chunk' in the sense, that it delegates work to smaller chunks.
        However, this method also takes another view as a parameter. Both views are chunked simultaneously
        and a matching pair of chunks is then passed to the function that shall be executed.
        This is useful if data from one view should be (transformed and) written to a different view,
        assuming that the transformation of the data can be handled on chunk-level.
        Additionally to the two views, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk',
        which can be used for logging.
        The mapping of chunks from the source view to the target is bijective.
        The ratio between the size of the source_view (self) and the source_chunk_size must be equal to
        the ratio between the target_view and the target_chunk_size. This guarantees that the number of chunks
        in the source_view is equal to the number of chunks in the target_view.

        Example use case: downsampling:
        - size of source_view (Mag 1): (16384, 16384, 16384)
        - size of target_view (Mag 2): (8192, 8192, 8192)
        - source_chunk_size: (2048, 2048, 2048)
        - target_chunk_size: (1024, 1024, 1024) // this must be a multiple of the file size on disk to avoid concurrent writes


        source_view = self.get_view()
        target_view = target_view.get_view()

        source_offset = np.array(source_view.global_offset)
        target_offset = np.array(target_view.global_offset)
        source_chunk_size_np = np.array(source_chunk_size)
        target_chunk_size_np = np.array(target_chunk_size)

        assert np.all(
        ), "Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the size of the source view contains a 0."
        assert np.all(
        ), "Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the size of the target view contains a 0."
        assert np.array_equal(
            np.array(source_view.size) / np.array(target_view.size),
            source_chunk_size_np / target_chunk_size_np,
        ), f"Calling 'for_zipped_chunks' failed because the ratio of the view sizes (source size = {source_view.size}, target size = {target_view.size}) must be equal to the ratio of the chunk sizes (source_chunk_size = {source_chunk_size}, source_chunk_size = {target_chunk_size}))"

        assert not any(
            % (target_view.header.file_len * target_view.header.block_len)
        ), f"Calling for_zipped_chunks failed. The target_chunk_size ({target_chunk_size}) must be a multiple of file_len*block_len of the target view ({target_view.header.file_len * target_view.header.block_len})"

        job_args = []
        source_chunks = BoundingBox(source_offset, source_view.size).chunk(
            source_chunk_size_np, list(source_chunk_size_np)
        target_chunks = BoundingBox(target_offset, target_view.size).chunk(
            target_chunk_size, list(target_chunk_size)

        for i, (source_chunk, target_chunk) in enumerate(
            zip(source_chunks, target_chunks)
            # source chunk
            relative_source_offset = np.array(source_chunk.topleft) - source_offset
            source_chunk_view = source_view.get_view(
                offset=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(relative_source_offset)),
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(source_chunk.size)),
            # target chunk
            relative_target_offset = np.array(target_chunk.topleft) - target_offset
            target_chunk_view = target_view.get_view(
                size=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(target_chunk.size)),
                offset=cast(Tuple[int, int, int], tuple(relative_target_offset)),

            job_args.append((source_chunk_view, target_chunk_view, i))

        # execute the work for each pair of chunks
        wait_and_ensure_success(executor.map_to_futures(work_on_chunk, job_args))

This method is similar to 'for_each_chunk' in the sense, that it delegates work to smaller chunks. However, this method also takes another view as a parameter. Both views are chunked simultaneously and a matching pair of chunks is then passed to the function that shall be executed. This is useful if data from one view should be (transformed and) written to a different view, assuming that the transformation of the data can be handled on chunk-level. Additionally to the two views, the counter 'i' is passed to the 'work_on_chunk', which can be used for logging. The mapping of chunks from the source view to the target is bijective. The ratio between the size of the source_view (self) and the source_chunk_size must be equal to the ratio between the target_view and the target_chunk_size. This guarantees that the number of chunks in the source_view is equal to the number of chunks in the target_view.

Example use case: downsampling:

  • size of source_view (Mag 1): (16384, 16384, 16384)
  • size of target_view (Mag 2): (8192, 8192, 8192)
  • source_chunk_size: (2048, 2048, 2048)
  • target_chunk_size: (1024, 1024, 1024) // this must be a multiple of the file size on disk to avoid concurrent writes
#   def get_dtype(self) -> type:
View Source
    def get_dtype(self) -> type:
        Returns the dtype per channel of the data. For example `uint8`.
        return self.header.voxel_type

Returns the dtype per channel of the data. For example uint8.