
View Source
from os.path import isfile, join
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import attr
import cattr
import numpy as np
import wkw
from cattr.gen import make_dict_structure_fn, make_dict_unstructure_fn, override

from webknossos.geometry import BoundingBox, Mag

def _extract_num_channels(
    num_channels_in_properties: Optional[int],
    path: Path,
    layer: str,
    mag: Optional[Union[int, Mag]],
) -> int:
    # if a wk dataset is not created with this API, then it most likely doesn't have the attribute 'numChannels' in the
    # datasource-properties.json. In this case we need to extract the number of channels from the 'header.wkw'.
    if num_channels_in_properties is not None:
        return num_channels_in_properties

    if mag is None:
        # Unable to extract the 'num_channels' from the 'header.wkw' if the dataset has no magnifications.
        # This should never be the case because wkw-datasets that are created without this API always have a magnification.
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Cannot extract the number of channels of a dataset without a properties file and without any magnifications"

    mag = Mag(mag)
    wkw_ds_file_path = join(path, layer, mag.to_layer_name())
    if not isfile(join(wkw_ds_file_path, "header.wkw")):
        raise Exception(
            f"The dataset you are trying to open does not have the attribute 'numChannels' for layer {layer}. "
            f"However, this attribute is necessary. To mitigate this problem, it was tried to locate "
            f"the file {wkw_ds_file_path} to extract the num_channels from there. "
            f"Since this file does not exist, the attempt to open the dataset failed. "
            f"Please add the attribute manually to solve the problem. "
            f"If the layer does not contain any data, you can also delete the layer and add it again."
    wkw_ds = wkw.Dataset.open(wkw_ds_file_path)
    return wkw_ds.header.num_channels

_properties_floating_type_to_python_type: Dict[Union[str, type], np.dtype] = {
    "float": np.dtype("float32"),
    #  np.float: np.dtype("float32"),  # np.float is an alias for float
    float: np.dtype("float32"),
    "double": np.dtype("float64"),

_python_floating_type_to_properties_type = {
    "float32": "float",
    "float64": "double",

def _snake_to_camel_case(snake_case_name: str) -> str:
    parts = snake_case_name.split("_")
    return parts[0] + "".join(part.title() for part in parts[1:])

# --- View configuration --------------------

class DatasetViewConfiguration:
    Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

    four_bit: Optional[bool] = None
    interpolation: Optional[bool] = None
    render_missing_data_black: Optional[bool] = None
    loading_strategy: Optional[str] = None
    segmentation_pattern_opacity: Optional[int] = None
    zoom: Optional[float] = None
    position: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None
    rotation: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None

class LayerViewConfiguration:
    Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

    color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None
    alpha: Optional[float] = None
    intensity_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
    min: Optional[float] = None  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    max: Optional[float] = None  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    is_disabled: Optional[bool] = None
    is_inverted: Optional[bool] = None
    is_in_edit_mode: Optional[bool] = None

# --- Property --------------------

class MagViewProperties:
    resolution: Union[int, Mag]
    cube_length: int

class LayerProperties:
    name: str
    category: str
    bounding_box: BoundingBox
    element_class: str
    wkw_resolutions: List[MagViewProperties]
    data_format: str
    num_channels: Optional[int] = None
    default_view_configuration: Optional[LayerViewConfiguration] = None

class SegmentationLayerProperties(LayerProperties):
    largest_segment_id: int = -1
    mappings: List[str] = []

class DatasetProperties:
    id: Dict[str, str]
    scale: Tuple[float, float, float]
    data_layers: List[Union[SegmentationLayerProperties, LayerProperties]]
    default_view_configuration: Optional[DatasetViewConfiguration] = None

# --- Converter --------------------

dataset_converter = cattr.Converter()

# register (un-)structure hooks for non-attr-classes
bbox_to_wkw: Callable[[BoundingBox], dict] = lambda o: o.as_wkw()
dataset_converter.register_unstructure_hook(BoundingBox, bbox_to_wkw)
    BoundingBox, lambda d, _: BoundingBox.from_wkw(d)

mag_to_array: Callable[[Mag], List[int]] = lambda o: o.to_array()
dataset_converter.register_unstructure_hook(Mag, mag_to_array)
dataset_converter.register_structure_hook(Mag, lambda d, _: Mag(d))

# Register (un-)structure hooks for attr-classes to bring the data into the expected format.
# The properties on disk (in datasource-properties.json) use camel case for the names of the attributes.
# However, we use snake case for the attribute names in python.
# This requires that the names of the attributes are renamed during (un-)structuring.
# Additionally we only want to unstructure attributes which don't have the default value
# (e.g. Layer.default_view_configuration has many attributes which are all optionally).
for cls in [
                a.name: override(
                    omit_if_default=True, rename=_snake_to_camel_case(a.name)
                for a in attr.fields(cls)  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
                a.name: override(rename=_snake_to_camel_case(a.name))
                for a in attr.fields(cls)  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable

# Disambiguation of Unions only work automatically if the two attrs-classes have at least 1 unique attribute
# This is not the case here because SegmentationLayerProperties inherits LayerProperties
def disambiguate_layer_properties(obj: dict, _: Any) -> LayerProperties:
    if obj["category"] == "color":
        return dataset_converter.structure(obj, LayerProperties)
    elif obj["category"] == "segmentation":
        return dataset_converter.structure(obj, SegmentationLayerProperties)
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Failed to read the properties of a layer: the category has to be 'color' or 'segmentation'."

    Union[SegmentationLayerProperties, LayerProperties], disambiguate_layer_properties

def disambiguate_mag(obj: dict, _: Any) -> Mag:
    # This function is necessary because cattrs does not support unions of non-attrs objects out of the box
    return Mag(obj)

dataset_converter.register_structure_hook(Union[int, Mag], disambiguate_mag)

# Separate converter to unstructure LayerProperties
# This is used to initialize SegmentationLayerProperties from LayerProperties
# The important difference to the dataset_converter is that the names of the attributes stay the same while defaults are also omitted.
layer_properties_converter = cattr.Converter()
layer_properties_converter.register_unstructure_hook(  # use register_unstructure_hook_func
        LayerProperties, layer_properties_converter, omit_if_default=True
#   class DatasetViewConfiguration:
View Source
class DatasetViewConfiguration:
    Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

    four_bit: Optional[bool] = None
    interpolation: Optional[bool] = None
    render_missing_data_black: Optional[bool] = None
    loading_strategy: Optional[str] = None
    segmentation_pattern_opacity: Optional[int] = None
    zoom: Optional[float] = None
    position: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None
    rotation: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None

Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

#   DatasetViewConfiguration( four_bit: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, interpolation: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, render_missing_data_black: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, loading_strategy: Union[str, NoneType] = None, segmentation_pattern_opacity: Union[int, NoneType] = None, zoom: Union[float, NoneType] = None, position: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = None, rotation: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = None )
View Source
def __init__(self, four_bit=attr_dict['four_bit'].default, interpolation=attr_dict['interpolation'].default, render_missing_data_black=attr_dict['render_missing_data_black'].default, loading_strategy=attr_dict['loading_strategy'].default, segmentation_pattern_opacity=attr_dict['segmentation_pattern_opacity'].default, zoom=attr_dict['zoom'].default, position=attr_dict['position'].default, rotation=attr_dict['rotation'].default):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('four_bit', four_bit)
    _setattr('interpolation', interpolation)
    _setattr('render_missing_data_black', render_missing_data_black)
    _setattr('loading_strategy', loading_strategy)
    _setattr('segmentation_pattern_opacity', segmentation_pattern_opacity)
    _setattr('zoom', zoom)
    _setattr('position', position)
    _setattr('rotation', rotation)

Method generated by attrs for class DatasetViewConfiguration.

#   four_bit: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'four_bit' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   interpolation: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'interpolation' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   render_missing_data_black: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'render_missing_data_black' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   loading_strategy: Union[str, NoneType] = <member 'loading_strategy' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   segmentation_pattern_opacity: Union[int, NoneType] = <member 'segmentation_pattern_opacity' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   zoom: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'zoom' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   position: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = <member 'position' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   rotation: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = <member 'rotation' of 'DatasetViewConfiguration' objects>
#   class LayerViewConfiguration:
View Source
class LayerViewConfiguration:
    Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

    color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None
    alpha: Optional[float] = None
    intensity_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
    min: Optional[float] = None  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    max: Optional[float] = None  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    is_disabled: Optional[bool] = None
    is_inverted: Optional[bool] = None
    is_in_edit_mode: Optional[bool] = None

Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

#   LayerViewConfiguration( color: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = None, alpha: Union[float, NoneType] = None, intensity_range: Union[Tuple[float, float], NoneType] = None, min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, is_disabled: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, is_inverted: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, is_in_edit_mode: Union[bool, NoneType] = None )
View Source
def __init__(self, color=attr_dict['color'].default, alpha=attr_dict['alpha'].default, intensity_range=attr_dict['intensity_range'].default, min=attr_dict['min'].default, max=attr_dict['max'].default, is_disabled=attr_dict['is_disabled'].default, is_inverted=attr_dict['is_inverted'].default, is_in_edit_mode=attr_dict['is_in_edit_mode'].default):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('color', color)
    _setattr('alpha', alpha)
    _setattr('intensity_range', intensity_range)
    _setattr('min', min)
    _setattr('max', max)
    _setattr('is_disabled', is_disabled)
    _setattr('is_inverted', is_inverted)
    _setattr('is_in_edit_mode', is_in_edit_mode)

Method generated by attrs for class LayerViewConfiguration.

#   color: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = <member 'color' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   alpha: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'alpha' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   intensity_range: Union[Tuple[float, float], NoneType] = <member 'intensity_range' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   min: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'min' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   max: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'max' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   is_disabled: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'is_disabled' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   is_inverted: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'is_inverted' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   is_in_edit_mode: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'is_in_edit_mode' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   class MagViewProperties:
View Source
class MagViewProperties:
    resolution: Union[int, Mag]
    cube_length: int
#   MagViewProperties( resolution: Union[int, webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag], cube_length: int )
View Source
def __init__(self, resolution, cube_length):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('resolution', resolution)
    _setattr('cube_length', cube_length)

Method generated by attrs for class MagViewProperties.

#   resolution: Union[int, webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag] = <member 'resolution' of 'MagViewProperties' objects>
#   cube_length: int = <member 'cube_length' of 'MagViewProperties' objects>
#   class LayerProperties:
View Source
class LayerProperties:
    name: str
    category: str
    bounding_box: BoundingBox
    element_class: str
    wkw_resolutions: List[MagViewProperties]
    data_format: str
    num_channels: Optional[int] = None
    default_view_configuration: Optional[LayerViewConfiguration] = None
#   LayerProperties( name: str, category: str, bounding_box: webknossos.geometry.bounding_box.BoundingBox, element_class: str, wkw_resolutions: List[webknossos.dataset.properties.MagViewProperties], data_format: str, num_channels: Union[int, NoneType] = None, default_view_configuration: Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.LayerViewConfiguration, NoneType] = None )
View Source
def __init__(self, name, category, bounding_box, element_class, wkw_resolutions, data_format, num_channels=attr_dict['num_channels'].default, default_view_configuration=attr_dict['default_view_configuration'].default):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('name', name)
    _setattr('category', category)
    _setattr('bounding_box', bounding_box)
    _setattr('element_class', element_class)
    _setattr('wkw_resolutions', wkw_resolutions)
    _setattr('data_format', data_format)
    _setattr('num_channels', num_channels)
    _setattr('default_view_configuration', default_view_configuration)

Method generated by attrs for class LayerProperties.

#   name: str = <member 'name' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   category: str = <member 'category' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   bounding_box: webknossos.geometry.bounding_box.BoundingBox = <member 'bounding_box' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   element_class: str = <member 'element_class' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   wkw_resolutions: List[webknossos.dataset.properties.MagViewProperties] = <member 'wkw_resolutions' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   data_format: str = <member 'data_format' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   num_channels: Union[int, NoneType] = <member 'num_channels' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   default_view_configuration: Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.LayerViewConfiguration, NoneType] = <member 'default_view_configuration' of 'LayerProperties' objects>
#   class SegmentationLayerProperties(LayerProperties):
View Source
class SegmentationLayerProperties(LayerProperties):
    largest_segment_id: int = -1
    mappings: List[str] = []
#   SegmentationLayerProperties( name: str, category: str, bounding_box: webknossos.geometry.bounding_box.BoundingBox, element_class: str, wkw_resolutions: List[webknossos.dataset.properties.MagViewProperties], data_format: str, num_channels: Union[int, NoneType] = None, default_view_configuration: Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.LayerViewConfiguration, NoneType] = None, largest_segment_id: int = -1, mappings: List[str] = [] )
View Source
def __init__(self, name, category, bounding_box, element_class, wkw_resolutions, data_format, num_channels=attr_dict['num_channels'].default, default_view_configuration=attr_dict['default_view_configuration'].default, largest_segment_id=attr_dict['largest_segment_id'].default, mappings=attr_dict['mappings'].default):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('name', name)
    _setattr('category', category)
    _setattr('bounding_box', bounding_box)
    _setattr('element_class', element_class)
    _setattr('wkw_resolutions', wkw_resolutions)
    _setattr('data_format', data_format)
    _setattr('num_channels', num_channels)
    _setattr('default_view_configuration', default_view_configuration)
    _setattr('largest_segment_id', largest_segment_id)
    _setattr('mappings', mappings)

Method generated by attrs for class SegmentationLayerProperties.

#   largest_segment_id: int = <member 'largest_segment_id' of 'SegmentationLayerProperties' objects>
#   mappings: List[str] = <member 'mappings' of 'SegmentationLayerProperties' objects>
#   class DatasetProperties:
View Source
class DatasetProperties:
    id: Dict[str, str]
    scale: Tuple[float, float, float]
    data_layers: List[Union[SegmentationLayerProperties, LayerProperties]]
    default_view_configuration: Optional[DatasetViewConfiguration] = None
#   DatasetProperties( id: Dict[str, str], scale: Tuple[float, float, float], data_layers: List[Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.SegmentationLayerProperties, webknossos.dataset.properties.LayerProperties]], default_view_configuration: Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.DatasetViewConfiguration, NoneType] = None )
View Source
def __init__(self, id, scale, data_layers, default_view_configuration=attr_dict['default_view_configuration'].default):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('id', id)
    _setattr('scale', scale)
    _setattr('data_layers', data_layers)
    _setattr('default_view_configuration', default_view_configuration)

Method generated by attrs for class DatasetProperties.

#   id: Dict[str, str] = <member 'id' of 'DatasetProperties' objects>
#   scale: Tuple[float, float, float] = <member 'scale' of 'DatasetProperties' objects>
#   data_layers: List[Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.SegmentationLayerProperties, webknossos.dataset.properties.LayerProperties]] = <member 'data_layers' of 'DatasetProperties' objects>
#   default_view_configuration: Union[webknossos.dataset.properties.DatasetViewConfiguration, NoneType] = <member 'default_view_configuration' of 'DatasetProperties' objects>
#   def bbox_to_wkw(o):
View Source
bbox_to_wkw: Callable[[BoundingBox], dict] = lambda o: o.as_wkw()
#   def mag_to_array(o):
View Source
mag_to_array: Callable[[Mag], List[int]] = lambda o: o.to_array()
#   def disambiguate_layer_properties(obj: dict, _: Any) -> webknossos.dataset.properties.LayerProperties:
View Source
def disambiguate_layer_properties(obj: dict, _: Any) -> LayerProperties:
    if obj["category"] == "color":
        return dataset_converter.structure(obj, LayerProperties)
    elif obj["category"] == "segmentation":
        return dataset_converter.structure(obj, SegmentationLayerProperties)
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Failed to read the properties of a layer: the category has to be 'color' or 'segmentation'."
#   def disambiguate_mag(obj: dict, _: Any) -> webknossos.geometry.mag.Mag:
View Source
def disambiguate_mag(obj: dict, _: Any) -> Mag:
    # This function is necessary because cattrs does not support unions of non-attrs objects out of the box
    return Mag(obj)
#   class cls:
View Source
class LayerViewConfiguration:
    Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

    color: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None
    alpha: Optional[float] = None
    intensity_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None
    min: Optional[float] = None  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    max: Optional[float] = None  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    is_disabled: Optional[bool] = None
    is_inverted: Optional[bool] = None
    is_in_edit_mode: Optional[bool] = None

Stores information on how the dataset is shown in webknossos by default.

#   cls( color: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = None, alpha: Union[float, NoneType] = None, intensity_range: Union[Tuple[float, float], NoneType] = None, min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, is_disabled: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, is_inverted: Union[bool, NoneType] = None, is_in_edit_mode: Union[bool, NoneType] = None )
View Source
def __init__(self, color=attr_dict['color'].default, alpha=attr_dict['alpha'].default, intensity_range=attr_dict['intensity_range'].default, min=attr_dict['min'].default, max=attr_dict['max'].default, is_disabled=attr_dict['is_disabled'].default, is_inverted=attr_dict['is_inverted'].default, is_in_edit_mode=attr_dict['is_in_edit_mode'].default):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('color', color)
    _setattr('alpha', alpha)
    _setattr('intensity_range', intensity_range)
    _setattr('min', min)
    _setattr('max', max)
    _setattr('is_disabled', is_disabled)
    _setattr('is_inverted', is_inverted)
    _setattr('is_in_edit_mode', is_in_edit_mode)

Method generated by attrs for class LayerViewConfiguration.

#   color: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], NoneType] = <member 'color' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   alpha: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'alpha' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   intensity_range: Union[Tuple[float, float], NoneType] = <member 'intensity_range' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   min: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'min' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   max: Union[float, NoneType] = <member 'max' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   is_disabled: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'is_disabled' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   is_inverted: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'is_inverted' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>
#   is_in_edit_mode: Union[bool, NoneType] = <member 'is_in_edit_mode' of 'LayerViewConfiguration' objects>